Dear Parents,

elcome to the Apple School Early Childhood Educational Center!


We are a family owned, award winning preschool destined on teaching children to love learning.
We are a dedicated group of teachers, parents, and community members whose motivation to early childhood practice
is to provide children with an educational environment where they can love, laugh, and learn at their fullest capacity.

Before the Apple School’s birth 5 years ago, our unique program had been practiced and perfected at our daycare for over 14 years.
It is a program that truly blends the familiar comfort of your neighborhood daycare with the resources to learning of a school.
Our teaching method is specifically designed to provide children with a strong foundation for higher learning
while educating them with a diverse skill set that keeps the kids interested and filled with curiosity to learn more.
This teaching method is enhanced by the inclusion of our children, parents, and teachers who make up our Apple School community that we are growing each day.
We analogize the growth of the Apple School child to real apples.
We take them as young apple seeds and fill them with respect and nourishing care. We continue this process until we have achieved a fully grown apple!
We leave you with the symbolism behind our motto, “Give us a seed, we will grown an apple.”


Are you ready to start the planting ?


Yelena Dobrynina
Early Childhood Educational Center